City's Move to Privatisation Underscores Problems with State Enterprises


New member
Sep 21, 2004
An article in The Sacramento Bee tells of the Sacramento suburb of Elk Grove's decision to stop using busses owned and operated by the government-run Regional Transit in favour of a private enterprise.

According to the article,

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
[A consultant] confirmed the city's suspicions last year. He said Elk Grove contributed nearly $15.7 million between 2000 and 2002 but received only about $6.8 million in bus services within the city's boundaries, an $8.9 million gap.

RT officials disputed the amount, saying it's inflated by nearly $3 million. Besides, officials say, the additional money helps fund shuttles, buses and light-rail trains that serve everyone in the region, including Elk Grove residents.

(emphasis added)

The two counterpoints expressed by the state-run RT are simply breathtaking. First, it pooh-poohs on the overcharging on the basis that the figures are inflated by $ 3 million -- while ignoring the fact that even if this is true, they are still soaking the municpal government for nearly six million dollars per year. If a private company were to be found to have overcharged a government (or even a group of consumers) through some price fixing or other scheme to the tune of mid-seven figures the ensuing scandal would bring down the rafters -- yet state-run enterprises are historically and almost universally so badly-managed that it doesn't even seem to occur to anyone that to ripped off by such an enterprise is something about which one should get worked up at all.

Second, the argument that a great deal of the money Elk Grove is overcharged goes towards other services Elk Grove does not want, but from which the city benefits to some extent, and therefore the charges are justified, highlights what is perhaps the biggest problem with all government programs, from the most simple to grand scale projects like Social Security and Medicare: the state's inability by design to efficiently allocate resources and to resort to "one size fits all" solutions and applications. If the citizens of Elk Grove do not desire a given benefit, the fact that they receive it nonetheless is no excuse for forcing it on them, especially not at many times its probable market cost.

RT's own manager, Beverly Scott, blithely (and perhaps unkowningly) brings this idea to a concise point when she says:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
"I would never recommend to my board that we get into bidding for what I call core service ..."

(emphasis added)

What Ms. Scott is saying is that 1) RT is not in the business of attempting to provide high-quality service for the best price, which is something most people already know about state-run enterprises, and that 2) bus transit is a service so essential to the day-to-day lives of residents of the metropolitan Sacramento area that to even consider making it a private affair is tantamount to blasphemy.

Kudos to Elk Grove for shrugging off this particular burden, and best of luck to them in finding a suitable and affordable market replacement -- and hopefully they will serve as an example to other municpalities across America and around the world.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
At least you get a service off state enterprises while they rip you off.

Private enterprise rips you off and gives a crap service at the same time.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
posted by eek:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
At least you get a service off state enterprises while they rip you off.

Private enterprise rips you off and gives a crap service at the same time.


Nice pointless blanket statements there eek; very true to form for a socialist aplogist for the state -- no sense missing an opportunity to take a stab right?

In a voluntary arrangement such as is found in all private business transactions, the buyer is free to shop around and although he will certainly get shafted (or perhaps merely be dissatisfied) from time to time, the beauty of it is that he can always look somewhere else.

The point was, if a private company was demonstrated to have created even a fraction of the over-run that Regional Transit did for Elk Grove, it would not be a matter of academic debate -- they would be castigated by the media and strung up by the courts. People like yourself would be rejoicing at having an actual legitimate example of the "evils of capitalism" to cite for a change. But it's just another day in paradise as far as socialised transit in northern California goes.


New member
Sep 20, 2000
The other thing the eekster misses is that quality and efficency usually wins out...once quality is established and success gained the goverment hacks are right there again to suck the blood...Like a 800 pound gorilla biting into the neck of thouroughbred a 100 yards before the finish line...I know of actually held tickets to these races.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ho hum, another skip-around-the-mulberry-bush.

I think I was perfectly honest in saying that both sets of systems are rip-off merchants.
Hardly an apologist for one or the other.

I don't mind private enterprise scamming us in the non-essential areas like burgers, trainers, oil, motor vehicles, even food, whatever, which isn't awfully socialist of me.
(although food is massively subsidised)

I draw the line at private enterprise scammers cherry-picking at captive public markets.

I notice that the private enterprise apologists always have their beady little eyes on those juicy little public morsels where there is a captive cashbase that can receive 'private quality and efficency' be screwed out of its wealth.
Until they decide the well is dry, then they up sticks and move on.


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